Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

before and after botox

Anti-Wrinkle Pricing

1 Area of Botox


2 Areas of Botox


3 Areas of Botox


4 Areas of Botox


Gummy Smile


Brow Lift


Masseters Muscle


Lip Flip


Jelly Roll


Smokers Lines


Bunny Lines


Price includes a 2-week review.

Botulinum toxin has been used medically in the UK since 1977, and within the cosmetic industry for around 20 years. It is a purified protein which is injected to temporarily relax the facial muscles responsible for causing lines and wrinkles. As the muscles relax, the overlying skin which has been creased tight into fine folds, also relaxes and lines and wrinkles smooth away.

Summary of Anti-Wrinkle Treatment